Weekly CloudNews: 5 Approaches to Cloud Automation
Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!
Here are the blogs we’ve posted this week:
- Overspending Even If You Didn’t Mean It: Avoiding Cloud Cost Sins
- AWS Cloud Management Tools Competency
With that, onto this week’s news:
5 approaches to cloud automation
Kevin Casey, The Enterprisers Project, Feb. 4, 2021
“There’s plenty of overlap between infrastructure automation and one of its more modern (and large) subcategories: cloud automation. That makes sense because many of the principles or approaches to cloud automation here aren’t that different from on-premises infrastructure.
‘Much of the automation you might put in place for a hybrid cloud infrastructure will be similar to, or even the same as, automation you might want in an on-prem environment,’ says Gordon Haff, technology evangelist at Red Hat. ‘For example, it’s important for a CI/CD pipeline to continuously test and scan wherever the associated infrastructure is located.’”
Secure multi-cloud with architecture and governance focus
Katie Donagan, TechTarget, Feb. 3, 2021
“Certified enterprise and security architect Jeroen Mulder explains why multi-cloud security architecture planning should be informed by the business and customer perspectives. Cloud sprawl increases the complexity of security. To prevent sprawl, best practice is to keep everything as single stack as possible, but that’s not the world we’re living in right now. We’re living in a multi-cloud world.
Companies need to learn how to do enterprise architecture — multi-cloud security is about more than technology. Yes, firewalls are a security no-brainer, but security doesn’t start with the firewall — it starts with governance. Who’s eligible to enter what systems? Where do we need to secure the systems, and at what level, and why? After governance, think about data, then applications and then technology. Enterprise architecture is about focusing on the bigger picture and determining if and how technology can add value to the business.”
Future of education: How cloud computing is supporting a new hybrid model of learning
Mark Samuels, ZDNet, Feb. 8, 2021
“One study at the start of 2019 concluded that online education had failed to reduce costs or improve outcomes for students. Additional surveys showed that the number of students using online learning internationally was modest and, worse still, often in decline.
Cloud-based services have proven their value and are helping institutions like LSE to connect with students around the globe who might previously have been unreachable. ‘It hasn’t gone unnoticed that those opportunities exist,’ agrees Dawson.”
We’re here to help you anywhere on your hybrid and multi-cloud journey. Request a demo today.
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