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Multi-Cloud Management System: The Five Big Challenges It Solves

A proper multi-cloud management system is critical if you’re to succeed in the multi-cloud setup. Undoubtedly, the emergence of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure has given enterprises choices in this space. And sometimes the best choice is to not settle on one choice. 

Many organizations seek to take advantage of the varied offerings of multi-cloud architectures. But it can easily turn into a nightmare for an unprepared organization.

While multi-cloud environments are generally reliable, scalable, and highly available, they’re also challenging to manage. The more cloud services you procure from different providers, the more complex your cloud architecture becomes. As a result, you lose visibility and control over costs. 

As if that weren’t enough, multi-cloud also presents organizations with unique integration and security challenges. It’s easy for IT admins and cloud operators to feel overwhelmed. 

Here are some challenges you’re likely to face in a multi-cloud environment and how cloud management tools can help.

Difficulty Enforcing Governance and Compliance

Many organizations often have to meet multiple compliance requirements, both internal and external. Organizations must meet some of these requirements (e.g., FISMA, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOX) irrespective of where their data reside. As a result, proper governance in the cloud is critical.

Multi-cloud environments are complex by their very nature. Therefore, organizations need the right tools to effectively implement security and governance policies. They need a multi-cloud management system to ensure compliance because of the clouds’ disparate nature in a multi-cloud setup. 

Siloed Vendor Tools

While cloud vendors provide proprietary tools to manage their environments, these tools don’t work across clouds. For this reason, IT admins have to juggle from one tool to the other, making management an uphill task. 

Enterprises should consider investing in tools designed to give them a consolidated view across different cloud environments and providers. 

Lack of App Management

It’s easy to lose track of the applications you’re running, where they’re running, and how much they’re costing you. It’s also easy to have several instances of the same app running simultaneously across multiple clouds because of staff preferences. This is a recipe for cloud cost sticker shock. 

Multi-cloud management can help you keep track of apps, so you don’t waste cloud resources. 

Spiraling Costs

Cloud sprawl in multi-cloud is a reality. The cost of cloud services can quickly spiral out of control. You need tools that can ensure you have provisioned resources economically across clouds. 

Skills Shortage

On the surface, multi-cloud isn’t complicated. After all, it’s just the use of more than one cloud vendor. But it requires more sophistication than just managing several servers and load balancers in one cloud. IT teams need to be well-versed in working across disparate clouds. Most times, they’ll need specialized knowledge and experience with all the platforms the organization is using. 

Unfortunately, getting personnel with all these skill sets is no walk in the park. Multi-cloud management systems make it easier to manage different clouds since they aggregate everything on one tool. Once teams learn how to use the tool, they don’t need to have specialized knowledge of the different cloud environments. 

See the multi-cloud management system you need in action. Sign up for a CloudBolt demo today.

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