Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

94% of enterprises are overspending in the cloud: report

Anirban Ghoshal, CIO.com, August 5, 2022

“A vast majority of enterprises surveyed globally are overspending in the cloud, according to a new HashiCorp-Forrester report.

“In a survey that saw [the] participation of over 1,000 IT decision makers across North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific, 94% of respondents said their organizations had notable, avoidable cloud expenses due to a combination of factors including underused and overprovisioned resources, and lack of skills to utilize cloud infrastructure.” READ MORE

4 reasons projects fail – and how to avoid them

Pallavi Kenkare, ZDNet, August 9, 2022

“Digital transformation – the use of data, tech, algorithms, machine learning and more to develop new models of work and serve stakeholders – can enable companies to achieve growth via previously untapped potential. According to Mordor Intelligence, digital transformation was valued at $263 billion in the manufacturing market alone in 2020. By 2026, it’s projected to reach $767 billion.

“Despite the seemingly limitless rewards, organizations remain wary of digital transformation. Almost three-quarters (70%) of digital transformations fall short of their objectives, often with profound consequences, according to Boston Consulting Group, who suggest that delivering fundamental change at scale in large, complex organizations is challenging.” READ MORE

Engineering, Finance Teams Struggle to Connect Cloud Costs, Business Value

Nathan Eddy, ITPro Today, August 8, 2022

“Visibility into cloud costs is a challenge for most organizations, with engineers and finance teams struggling to correlate their investment in cloud technology with the value it brings to the business.

“This was among the findings of a CloudZero survey, which asked more than 1,000 engineering and finance professionals to weigh in on the various dimensions of their cloud cost strategies.” READ MORE

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Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

Legislators Gear Up to Take On Cloud Outages

Carlo Massimo, InformationWeek, August 2, 2022

“It hasn’t been news in the tech sector for years, but as business worldwide turn to cloud computing as a necessary, everyday solution, they find fewer and fewer companies who offer it. The demand is immense: RightScale data from 2021 (published 2022) found that 57% of companies planned to move workload to the cloud, and small- to mid-sized businesses increased spend on cloud services by 38% over the previous year. And yet Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM and a few others dominate supply. Antitrust questions aside, the increasing horizontal consolidation of cloud services poses serious security risks. A few spectacular outages have illustrated this handily — 2022 alone has seen a Slack outage (particularly concerning in the work-from-home post-pandemic), two major Apple outages, two IBM outages in one month, and others.” READ MORE

Hybrid Multi-Cloud Is the New Normal

Bill Doerrfeld, Acceleration Economy Network, August 1, 2022

“Hybrid multi-cloud environments are becoming ubiquitous — impressively, 82% of organizations have now adopted a hybrid cloud. Over half of companies now employ ​​2-3 public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. By retaining on-premise computing and spanning multiple cloud vendors, architects have unprecedented flexibility in where to place workloads to suit their unique requirements.

“Supporting these trends, we’re also witnessing a rise in cloud-native components. By 2023, the majority of applications will use cloud-native technologies. Cloud-native containerization and orchestration are bringing excellent agility and elasticity to the modern computing runtime. However, these strategies are not without their challenges — security and networking are top roadblocks that persist within the new hybrid cloud norm.” READ MORE

It’s past time to figure out cross-cloud security

David Linthicum, InfoWorld, July 29, 2022

“I’ve addressed concerns with multicloud security many times before. Here’s the essence of what I and others assert: Multicloud complexity causes systemic security issues. That’s a fact. Today let’s talk about how we can mediate this complexity to deal with security risks, and what will solve the problems.

“Businesses have certainly taken note. Data published this month by the Ponemon Institute finds that a full 60% of IT leaders have little or no confidence in the security of their company’s cloud access. Consider that: the security team at your bank, or your internet provider, or the wholesaler that keeps your grocery store stocked, is sending more and more information into the cloud with less and less faith that it’s safe there.” READ MORE

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Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

Cloud computing use is growing, but so is regulation

Liam Tung, ZDNet, July 26, 2022

“European firms are reaching a new scale of public cloud usage, with 92% of companies in the UK, France and Germany saying they have adopted cloud computing, with 78% reporting they use a hybrid cloud, and 75% using multiple public clouds mostly on US-made technology, according to research by analyst firm Forrester.

“”After a slow start, Europeans now recognize cloud for its support for new apps and also as affordable compute and storage for existing ones,” it said.” READ MORE

How the Big Three cloud providers are helping customers manage their energy consumption and carbon emissions

Donna Goodison, Protocol, July 25, 2022

“As AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud work toward their carbon-free and net zero carbon emissions goals, they’re also helping their customers understand their own cloud-related carbon footprints and take steps to reduce their impacts.

“All three have released tools that, in varying degrees, measure estimated carbon emissions tied to individual customers’ cloud infrastructure and services usage and help them work more sustainably. Enterprises can use those tools to make and track progress toward their carbon-reduction targets and meet environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) reporting requirements.” READ MORE

Where colocation fits in the modernization roadmap

Lindsey Wilkinson, CIO Dive, July 26, 2022

“On-premise data center use is in slow but steady decline as companies shift workloads to the cloud. But businesses are realizing the cloud is far from a one-stop shop, creating opportunities for colocation data centers.

“More than three-quarters of IT leaders reported moving business intelligence, data analytics and data warehouses from public cloud platforms to colocation centers, according to a CoreSite survey released in July.” READ MORE

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Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

The next frontier in cloud computing

David Linthicum, InfoWorld, July 15, 2022

“A few years ago, I pointed out that multicloud is really not about the public clouds it’s built on. What I did not do is attempt to name it in an effort to claim myself as the creator of a new buzzword.

“Not that I won’t pat myself on the back in all my narcissistic glory. Indeed, I’ve created buzzwords that turned out to be billion-dollar industries. However, I also know that when you give something a name it allows others to define it, which brings its usefulness way down. You end up defining a concept before it’s had a chance to evolve with use. Certainly, architecture patterns, such as the one that’s emerging above multiclouds, are something you don’t want to limit just yet.” READ MORE

CIOs contend with rising cloud costs

Paula Rooney, CIO, July 19, 2022

“Deep into a massive shift to the cloud, McDermott International CIO Vagesh Dave found himself at an unforgiving crossroads: As engineers gobbled up the vast computing resources available in the cloud, the oil rig constructor IT chief noticed the monthly bill was sky high with little return on investment yet to be realized during the migration.

“To stem the tide, Dave opted to move a range of heavy-duty computing loads back to on-premises servers in a downsized data center. ” READ MORE

The current state of zero-trust cloud security

Taryn Plumb, VentureBeat, July 20, 2022

“Cloud adoption continues to grow and accelerate across a diverse range of environments. But despite – or perhaps because of – this, IT and security leaders are not confident in their organization’s ability to ensure secure cloud access. Further compounding this is the fact that traditional tools are falling far behind increasingly complex and ever-evolving cybersecurity risks.

“One solution to this confluence of factors: zero-trust network access (ZTNA). This strategic approach to cybersecurity seeks to eliminate implicit trust by continuously validating every stage of digital interaction. ” READ MORE

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Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

Cloud computing adds value well beyond agility, efficiency: Deloitte

Jim Tyson, CFO Dive, July 11, 2022

“CFOs spending more on a move from on-premises computing to the cloud face rising budgetary and competitive risks should their companies botch the transition.

“Worldwide spending on public cloud services will surge 20% this year to $495 billion and 21% next year to $600 billion, according to Gartner. Cloud application services is the biggest segment, with total outlays likely to hit a record $110 billion this year and $136 billion in 2023.” READ MORE

Why data has a sustainability problem

Ashleigh Hollowell, VentureBeat, July 7, 2022

“Every year in the U.S., it’s estimated that about 5,130 million metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. In tech enterprises alone, the explosion of data hasn’t helped matters, as innovation in the sector continues to grow rapidly.

“Some experts like Sanjay Podder, managing director and global lead of technology sustainability innovation at Accenture, say that if left unchecked, the exponential growth in data could result in increased energy demand and carbon emissions, counteracting progress on climate change.” READ MORE

Security risks hamper progress of global cloud adoption

SC Staff, SC Media, July 12, 2022

“Forrester Consulting reports that 63% of enterprises claim to lack the resources to integrate their desired cloud solutions, according to TechRepublic.

“The company’s survey of IT personnel and decision-makers found that 58% have seen their risk increase after their cloud migration, while 52% claim to have incurred unnecessary costs and 51% reported being hampered from innovating because of the cloud challenges they currently face. Sixty percent of respondents also noted inadequate reporting, analytics and dashboarding on their cloud infrastructure, and more than 50% said they lack support for hybrid models.” READ MORE

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Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

First, here is our latest announcement:

With that, onto this week’s news:


David Linthicum, InfoWorld, April 12, 2022

“Cloud requires less power for the same amount of processing. Does this always make cloud computing green—or should we say, ‘greener’? The word ‘always’ rarely turns out to be accurate. It’s the same with clouds—the issues are rarely black and white. To investigate cloud sustainability, let’s break it down into the two major layers. The argument for cloud computing sustainability is that it reduces the required hardware and data center space. However, both cloud and non-cloud application processing requires power grids driven by fossil fuels. The opportunities to reduce cloud-related carbon not only depend on the use of sharable IT resources in public clouds but also the locations of the data centers for public clouds.

“The trend is to have points of presence as close as possible to those using the cloud services. Many of those points depend on carbon-heavy power sources. In those instances, cloud computing is not as green. No matter if your power burns fossil fuel or not, much can be said about how you optimize the cloud resources you use. Remember: There are cost and carbon impact penalties if you put under optimized solutions on a public cloud. The more unnecessary resources, the more unnecessary cloud fees. Depending on how your public cloud provider powers its data center, this could also have a significant impact on carbon output.”

Google Cloud survey finds most execs support sustainability efforts, but few follow the data

Ron Miller, TechCrunch, April 13, 2022

“A new survey by Google Cloud that was conducted by The Harris Poll found that a vast majority of executives see sustainability as a key goal for their business. It also found that a majority are not actually measuring their progress over time. Google Cloud surveyed 1,491 C-level executives or vice presidents across 16 countries to get a broad view of the sustainability issues that companies are facing. The good news is that 80% of respondents believed that their company is doing a good job around sustainability, which sounds great. But then they asked them how they were measuring their progress.

“The research showed a troubling gap between how well companies think they’re doing, and how accurately they’re able to measure it. Only 36% of respondents said their organizations have measurement tools in place to quantify their sustainability efforts, and just 17% are using those measurements to optimize based on results,’ Justin Keeble, managing director of global sustainability at Google Cloud, wrote in a blog post describing the results.”

How AI could help enterprises to reduce data storage costs

Kyle Wiggers, VentureBeat, April 7, 2022

“The amount of data managed by the world’s enterprises is growing. According to one source, the total amount of data created, captured, copied and consumed globally was about 64.2 zettabytes in 2020 — equal to a trillion gigabytes. Unsurprisingly, companies report that the cost of storing their data is also climbing. In a 2018 Enterprise Storage Forum survey, business leaders said that the high costs of operation, a lack of storage capacity, and aging equipment were among their top concerns.

During the pandemic, the pressure to digitize operations led a record number of companies to move to the cloud. According to a recent survey from O’Reilly, 90% of organizations were using cloud computing of some kind in 2021, while Flexera’s State of the Cloud Report shows that 35% of companies spent more than $12 million on cloud operations in 2021.”

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Everyone is concerned about the environmental sustainability of modern IT, but how many of us truly know how to adapt to a more environmentally-conscious world, let alone fully understand the scope of the issue? For our first episode of Season 2, we are joined once again by CloudBolt co-founder and CTO, Bernard Sanders, to discuss cloud sustainability as well as the ways (both big and small) we can all contribute to making our cloud infrastructure more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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